Mastering MAX_BY in SQL: Your Comprehensive Guide

Hey there, fellow SQL enthusiasts! If you’re diving deep into SQL and its various applications, you’ve probably stumbled upon the MAX_BY function and wondered, “What even is that?” Today, I’m going to break it all down for you—no jargon, no drama, just straight talk about what MAX_BY does and how it can elevate your SQL game. From MYSQL to BigQuery, focusing on different SQL variants, we’ll peek into how this function works its magic in each environment. Let’s jump right in!

What is MAX_BY in SQL?

Before we zoom into the specifics, let’s talk about what MAX_BY is at its core. Picture this: you’re wrangling a massive dataset and you need to pull out the record with the maximum value in a specific column—but only when related to another column. That’s where MAX_BY comes into play. This handy SQL function allows you to grab the row where a related column has its maximum value, simplifying complex data queries.

In simpler terms, it’s a streamlined way to find the entry that exhibits a maximum characteristic based on another column’s value. If you’re wondering when you’d ever use this, imagine you have a list of employees and their sales numbers, but you need to find the employee with the highest sale—without sorting through the entire dataset manually. MAX_BY to the rescue!

Getting Max Value Record in SQL

This function might seem a bit obscure at first glance, but once you master it, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it! Let’s start with a common task—finding the maximum value record. Suppose we have a table named sales which logs each salesperson’s transactions, and we’re curious about who made the largest sale.

This snippet finds the highest sale. But what if you needed something more complex, like finding the highest sale per region? It’s doable with some twiddling, yet that’s precisely where the MAX_BY function shines in making your life easier.


MySQL is one of the most widely-used relational database systems out there, and it provides robust functions for handling various operations. Though MAX_BY itself isn’t natively available, we can achieve similar results with creative SQL queries.

Reaching MAX_WITH in MySQL

Imagine again, our table sales showing off columns like salesperson, region, and transaction_amount. What if we want to find out which salesperson had the highest transaction in each region? Here’s a workaround in MySQL:

This snippet effectively achieves what MAX_BY aims for, albeit a bit more verbosely. You’re joining the main table sales with a subquery that pulls maximum transactions grouped by region. It’s kind of like whispering to MySQL, “Hey, let’s team up and get the max per group.”

Anecdotal Side-Note

Funny story—I once needed this very functionality back when MySQL was the only tool my company used. Relying heavily on subqueries felt like being in a cooking show with one hand tied behind my back, but you learn to get creative! Trust me, mastering SQL nuances gets far more empowering once you’ve wrangled through such experiences.

Max_By in Trino

If you haven’t heard about Trino (formerly PrestoSQL), it’s a query engine that allows querying large datasets using SQL from multiple platforms. As expected, Trino comes equipped with built-in functionality for MAX_BY.

Using MAX_BY in Real-time with Trino

Imagine handling a database where you need the tuition fee of the most expensive course each department offers. Here’s where MAX_BY extends a helping hand:

With Trino, this single statement fetches each department’s priciest course. The MAX_BY here specifies grabbing the course name based on the highest fee, thanks to Trino’s blessed simplicity.

MAX_BY in BigQuery

BigQuery offers its own flavor of SQL for handling huge datasets in the Google Cloud Platform. Although MAX_BY isn’t a built-in function here, you can implement similar behavior using STRUCT data types and ARRAY aggregation.

Implementing MAX_BY-like Behavior in BigQuery

Suppose we have product_sales comprising product_name, category, and revenue. To identify the product with the max revenue per category:

Here, the ARRAY_AGG along with ORDER BY serves the purpose of fetching the record with the highest revenue for each category, enabling BigQuery to mimic MAX_BY quite gracefully.

Real-life Parallel

It’s like when Grandma brings out an heirloom recipe, but you adapt it with modern appliances. BigQuery enables such feats, managing tons of data with ease even if you originally hail from the MAX_BY realm!

MAX_BY in Postgres

PostgreSQL, renowned for its support and extensibility, doesn’t introduce MAX_BY directly but provides tools to simulate comparable behavior using ORDER BY within DISTINCT ON.

Maneuvering with MAX_BY in Postgres

Imagine a players table containing name, team, and score. Here’s how you can apply a similar tactic as MAX_BY:

This method effectively connects each team with their highest-scoring player, right from the get-go. PostgreSQL’s flexibility sometimes feels like building LEGO—it just fits your creative data needs.

SQL Server and MAX_BY

SQL Server, like its other relational counterparts, doesn’t directly offer a MAX_BY function. But hey, we’re here to show the way!

Achieving MAX_BY Functionality in SQL Server

For a use-case involving students with columns grade and GPA, and you aim to get the student with the highest GPA per grade, the following approach works:

This combination of CTE (Common Table Expressions) and joins crafts a coherent pathway to extract the highest GPA student across grades, painlessly.

Max Group By SQL

Grouping data proves invaluable, and when plucking out maximum values, it gets even better thanks to SQL’s GROUP BY clause.

Utilizing GROUP BY with Maximum Values

Say you have city_weather with city_name, temperature, and figuring out each city’s highest temperature. This approach clinches it:

In just these few lines, you’ve harnessed the power of MAX combined with GROUP BY, effectively enabling exploration of trends at a glance.

Everyday Analogies

Think of it like comparing toppings at your favorite pizza joint. You group based on pizzerias (cities), and then pick where they serve the grandest cheese explosion (maximum temperature). It’s that intuitive and powerful with SQL!

Max_By SQL Presto

Presto, another well-loved query engine, makes life fantastic with a built-in MAX_BY, just like Trino. The function seamlessly returns rows based on maximum values within grouped data.

Executing MAX_BY in Presto

Consider an inventory table: store_inventory with columns product, category, and price. To fetch the costliest product per category, here’s the magic:

Presto’s delightful approach mirrors Trino, though distinctly crafted for Presto’s ecosystem. Once more, simplifying the world of data tinkering.

FAQs: Tackling SQL MAX_BY Queries

1. What is the main difference between MAX and MAX_BY?

Well, MAX simply retrieves the highest value for a particular column within a group, whereas MAX_BY gives you an entire row associated with the highest value, often based on some other column’s value.

2. Can I use MAX_BY in every SQL engine?

Unfortunately not. MAX_BY is limited to some SQL engines like Presto and Trino. However, many alternatives using creative SQL patterns exist for others!

3. Why should I bother with MAX_BY when I can write complex subqueries instead?

MAX_BY excels at simplifying the process where complex subqueries could get cumbersome, thus saving time and reducing potential errors.

4. How efficient is MAX_BY?

Optimized for performance, MAX_BY generally operates efficiently given suitable indexes and conditions, especially compared to more intricate subqueries. Always consider performance implications with large datasets.


There you have it—MAX_BY, whether intrinsically present or creatively replicated, holds immense potential to simplify interacting with data across various SQL platforms. From streamlined queries in Presto to workarounds in MySQL, this tool (and its substitutions) underscores SQL’s adaptability. I hope this guide de-mystified and empowered you to wield MAX_BY (or similar) with newfound zeal. Happy SQL-ing!

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