Mastering TSQL RAISERROR: A Comprehensive Guide to Error Handling in SQL Server

When working with SQL Server, handling errors efficiently is crucial. Today, let’s dive deep into the world of TSQL’s RAISERROR and how it plays a vital role in managing exceptions and maintaining robust database code. We’ll take it step by step, exploring everything from the basics to advanced scenarios, ensuring you have all the tools you need for stellar error handling.

SQL Server THROW: The Modern Companion

Before we delve into RAISERROR, I want to touch on THROW—an alternative that was introduced with SQL Server 2012. While RAISERROR has been a reliable way to generate error messages, THROW offers a simpler syntax and some enhancements.

THROW allows you to raise exceptions within TSQL code easily. Its syntax is straightforward:

One of my favorite aspects of THROW is that it instantly quits the current batch, chunking out the remaining commands—something RAISERROR needs help with unless additional logic is applied. It’s like having that backup power generator: simple yet powerful.

A simple example of THROW is as follows:

RAISERROR Severity: Understanding Severity Levels

When I first started using RAISERROR, I quickly realized that understanding severity levels was vital. Severity determines how the SQL Server reacts to an error. Here’s a rundown:

  • 0-10: Informational messages with no impact on the environment.
  • 11-16: Errors due to user-related issues.
  • 17-19: Software or hardware errors that require user intervention.
  • 20-25: Issues critical enough to terminate SQL Server.

In practice, defining the right severity level gives you control over the flow of your application, ensuring that significant errors capture your attention, while minor hiccups might just add a line to your log file.

This message won’t force SQL Server to exit, but it will notify you of a problem that requires user attention. Perfect for pinpointing those pesky, non-threatening user issues.

TSQL RAISERROR Example: Hands-On Error Handling

Let’s get our hands dirty with an example. Imagine your manager asking you to raise a custom error when a certain condition is met, like an invalid date input. RAISERROR is your friend here.

This simple setup raises an error with a custom message, including the invalid date. I’ve used RAISERROR many times for validation tasks—it’s like having a little flag that pops up and says, “Hey, something’s not right here.” And trust me, SQL developers need all the help they can get to keep those data integrity issues at bay.


Many new to SQL Server—myself included—often ask, “When should I use RAISERROR, and when should I opt for THROW?” Here’s how I interpret the two:


  • Flexible with complex message formatting.
  • Supports a range of severity levels from 0-25.
  • Older, thus more compatible with legacy systems.


  • Simpler syntax and more straightforward for newer scripts.
  • Automatically rolls back transactions in TRY…CATCH blocks.
  • Provides a barebones yet efficient way to handle errors.

Most often, I use THROW for newer projects where simplicity and brevity are more important, while RAISERROR comes in handy for legacy projects needing a touch more detail and control. As always, the context of the project guides my choice.


Ever wondered if you could—or should—combine RAISERROR and THROW in your scripts? The answer is: Why not! They both have their unique strengths. Depending on your needs, combining them can be an effective way to handle errors.

For instance, you can employ RAISERROR for logging or displaying more informative messages but reserve THROW for instances requiring immediate code abortion or rollback. It’s like having a well-stocked toolbox: each device does its job perfectly, ensuring your application stays robust.

This approach creates a fallback mechanism where you’d use RAISERROR for minor notifications but can rely on THROW for critical errors needing immediate attention.

SQL RAISERROR with Variable: Dynamic Customization

There’s rarely a “one-size-fits-all” solution in TSQL error handling. RAISERROR with variables lets you tailor messages dynamically—something I find incredibly versatile for numerous scenarios.

Let’s say you wanted to customize error messages based on different variables:

Replacing placeholders in error messages with variables gives much-needed context—like having a fixture telling you exactly what’s wrong. It not only simplifies debugging but also makes your logs infinitely more insightful.

SQL RAISERROR Custom Message: Crafting Messages for Clarity

We’ve all run across those cryptic error messages—barely more informative than “Error: Something went wrong.” With RAISERROR, you can craft messages that communicate exactly what needs attention, increasing the overall clarity of your scripts.

Here’s an example that’s saved me loads of time:

Not only does it pinpoint the error location, but it also provides variable information for immediate investigation. Being explicit is far better than leaving your team guessing what went wrong—trust me on this!

Tips for Writing Effective Error Messages

  1. Be specific: Mention what failed and why.
  2. Keep it clear: Avoid technical jargon unless necessary.
  3. Include variables: Use placeholders to dynamically insert context whenever possible.

SQL RAISERROR Stop Execution: When to Halt

Sometimes in TSQL scripting, the best solution is to stop execution dead in its tracks to avoid further damage to data integrity. RAISERROR can be a vital ally in such cases.

Utilize RAISERROR with a high severity level:

While managing databases in my past projects, I often resorted to high-severity errors when a catastrophic event occurred—like a hardware malfunction—thus keeping potential damage minimal.

But a Word of Caution

Using high-severity levels like 17 or above can terminate connections, so wield this power wisely. Reflect on whether it’s appropriate to stop operations or just log the incident—after all, preservation is sometimes mightier than cessation.

RAISERROR in SQL Server w3schools: Practical Learning

If you’re just getting started with RAISERROR, online resources like w3schools can provide code snippets and hands-on tutorials to practice with.

These resources often offer simulated scenarios emulating real-world applications, giving students a chance to hone their SQL querying and error handling skills. It makes for a safe, controlled environment to test and learn without repercussions to live databases.

Reference their simple examples to fortify your foundational skills, evolving into handling more sophisticated raiding tactics effectively.

Raise Error in SQL Server Stored Procedure: Enhancing Procedure Robustness

Stored procedures are the heart of SQL databases, encapsulating logic and business rules. Employing RAISERROR within stored procedures can drastically enhance their robustness and reliability.

Consider a stored procedure handling account transactions—critical data. You want to provide immediate feedback if the transaction fails due to insufficient funds.

Incorporating RAISERROR like this helps ensure that operations abort gracefully when necessary, informing front-end systems or users about the failure status. Stored procedures benefit immensely from RAISERROR, offering stakeholders the insight they need to make informed decisions.

FAQ Section

Q: What is the main difference between RAISERROR and THROW?

A: RAISERROR allows for more detailed message customization, while THROW offers straightforward syntax and automatic transaction rollback.

Q: Can RAISERROR stop the execution?

A: It depends on the severity level. Severity levels 17 or higher can terminate execution or connections but should be used cautiously.

Q: Is RAIDESERROR backward compatible?

A: Yes, RAISERROR is compatible with older SQL Server versions, unlike THROW, which starts from SQL Server 2012.

Whether you’re new to managing SQL Server databases or a seasoned dba, manage errors with RAISERROR and THROW effectively as they form the backbone of any well-coded database solution. With these tools, you are ready to tackle any challenges your database throws your way.

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