09 October SSQL Understanding DATEDIFF in Postgresql and Other SQL Databases byMark Perez If you’ve ever worked with SQL databases, you know that working with dates can be both essential and…
09 October SSQL Calculating Age in SQL Query: The Complete Guide byThomasRomero If you’ve ever worked with databases, especially those that involve dates, you’ve probably needed to calculate age at…
08 October SSQL Mastering Date Calculations: Using PostgreSQL’s DATEDIFF byScottPark In the world of databases, determining the difference between two dates is a routine yet crucial task. Whether…
06 October SSQL Timestamps in MySQL and Comparisons Across Databases byScottPark Date functions in databases are essential tools in any developer’s toolkit. Today, I want to dive into one…
05 October SSQL Mastering Date Manipulation with Spark SQL’s date_trunc Function byKyleEvans When working with big data, precise date handling is crucial. Anyone who has wrangled with timestamps knows the…
04 October SSQL Adding Days in MySQL: A Comprehensive Guide byThomasRomero Have you ever found yourself stuck trying to manipulate dates in MySQL? I sure did at one point,…
29 September SSQL Getting the First Day of the Month in SQL: A Comprehensive Guide byVictorAdams Welcome to this deep dive into the process of obtaining the first day of a month using SQL!…