07 October SSQL Mastering SQL: Extracting Strings Between Two Characters byStephanieBaker Ever stumbled upon a situation where you had to extract a specific part of text from within a…
07 October SSQL Mastering SQL Date Functions: Finding the Last Day of the Previous Month byToddRiley I’ve always found SQL to be one of those seemingly mysterious yet incredibly powerful tools in my developer’s…
04 October SSQL Mastering SQL Date Functions: GETDATE Minus 1 Day and Beyond byThomasRomero When it comes to managing databases, SQL’s date functions are crucially important. They’re the backbone of many operations,…
30 September SSQL Everything You Need to Know About Weeknum SQL byStephanieBaker Working with dates in SQL can sometimes feel like unraveling a complex puzzle. If you’ve ever had to…
29 September SSQL Getting the First Day of the Month in SQL: A Comprehensive Guide byVictorAdams Welcome to this deep dive into the process of obtaining the first day of a month using SQL!…
28 September SSQL Mastering SQL: Get First of Month Techniques byThomasRomero Finding the first of the month using SQL might seem like wizardry to some, but it’s one of…