08 October SSQL Mastering Date Calculations: Using PostgreSQL’s DATEDIFF byScottPark In the world of databases, determining the difference between two dates is a routine yet crucial task. Whether…
07 October SSQL Mastering SQL Date WHERE Clauses: A Comprehensive Guide byVictorAdams Ah, SQL. The powerful language that can be your best friend or a mysterious enigma, especially when it…
07 October SSQL Comparing Timestamps in SQL: A Detailed Guide byKyleEvans In my tech journey, one challenge I often faced was understanding how SQL handles timestamp comparisons. From experience…
07 October SSQL Mastering Date Calculations in PostgreSQL: A Complete Guide byNicoleKelley When working with databases, juggling dates and timestamps comes with the territory. As someone who spends a good…
05 October SSQL SQLite Tips: Fetching Timestamps Less Than Current Date byStephanieBaker Welcome to this comprehensive guide on handling timestamps in SQLite! If you’ve ever found yourself muddled in time…
05 October SSQL Mastering Date Manipulation with Spark SQL’s date_trunc Function byKyleEvans When working with big data, precise date handling is crucial. Anyone who has wrangled with timestamps knows the…
05 October SSQL Get to Know SQLite: Return All Timestamps Less Than 1 Day Ago byStephanieBaker If you’re diving into the world of databases, you’ve probably come across SQLite. I remember when I first…
28 September SSQL Master Smart SQL Queries for the Last 7 Days: A Complete Guide byMark Perez Hello there! If you’ve ever found yourself knee-deep in data with a looming deadline and needed to pull…